ACI New Account API doc.


A key is required to use this api. Contact aci's tech dep. to obtain one.

Post Fields:

Below is list of post variables expected. The post should be made to this page using https.
	[key] => required
	[First_Name] => required - pattern=
	[Last_Name] => required
	[Company_Name] => required
	[Email] => required
	[Confirm_Email] => required
	[Website] => not required
	[Phone_Number] => required
	[Alternate_Phone_Number] => not-required
	[Address_line_1] => required
	[Address_line_2] => not-required
	[Zip] => required
	[City] => required
	[State] => required
	[Country] => required
	[Credit_Card_Number] => required
	[Exp_Date] => required
	[CVV] => not-required
	[Billing_Same_as_Shipping] => not-required

If not Billing_Same_as_Shipping then the following should be included.
	[Billto_Address_line_1] => required
	[Billto_Address_line_2] => not-required
	[Billto_Zip] => required
	[Billto_City] => required
	[Billto_State] => required
	[Billto_Country] => required

Response: json

The api will respond with status = error or status = success.

A success response will also contain the new account number.
Example success response:
A error response will also have an array of field names with error messages.
Example error response:
      "First_Name":"First Name cannot be blank",
      "Last_Name":"Last Name cannot be blank",
      "Company_Name":"Company Name cannot be blank",
      "Phone_Number":"Phone Number cannot be blank",
      "Address_line_1":"Address line 1 cannot be blank",
      "Exp_Date":"Exp Date cannot be blank",
      "Billto_Address_line_1":"Billto Address line 1 cannot be blank",
      "Billto_Zip":"Billto Zip cannot be blank",
      "Billto_City":"Billto City cannot be blank",
      "Billto_State":"Billto State cannot be blank",
      "Billto_Country":"Billto Country cannot be blank",
      "Email":"Invalid address format",
      "Credit_Card_Number":"Invalid card number format"

Additional Options:
