ACI Sponsorship Policies and Expectations:

A. ACI requires the Organization receiving ACI sponsorship to submit the “Request for Sponsorship” form at least 8 to 10 weeks before the event via e-mail to The “Request for Sponsorship” form must be filled out completely and signed by an authorized agent of the Organization.

B. The Organization receiving ACI sponsorship will include the words “Sponsored by American Color Imaging” or  “Sponsored by ACI” along with the ACI logo on all event promotional materials including print, electronic, video production, and radio broadcasts and other media. The ACI logo is available upon request from

C. ACI is not involved with negotiations between the speaker and the Organization receiving ACI sponsorship as it pertains to the total speaking honorarium. This negotiation is strictly between your Organization and the speakers. ACI expects the Organization receiving ACI sponsorship to pay the speakers immediately following their presentation.

D. ACI’s sponsorship payment will go directly to the Organization receiving ACI sponsorship, not the speakers.

E. To receive sponsorship money, ACI requests the Organization and receiving sponsorship to submit an electronic invoice to within 30 days after the event, along with an electronic list of all attendees and their contact information. No advance payments will and be made.

F. Sponsorship will be provided in 2 levels, a minimum, and a maximum. The minimum would be the minimum amount of sponsorship ACI would pay in support of the speaker. The maximum will be the maximum amount of sponsorship ACI will pay in support of the speaker when supporting documentation is supplied by the Organization, with the invoice, listing the
total number of class attendees along with their contact information and emails. This will follow the General Guidelines for Maximum Sponsorship below.

G. ACI reserves the right to withhold or amend sponsorship payment for improper recognition of sponsored speakers and/or the event.

General Guidelines for Maximum Sponsorship

Please note: if other programs are going on at the same time as the program you are requesting sponsorship for, the estimated sponsorship shown in the chart above may be lowered by 50%.

ACI’s sponsorship is based in part upon the number of attendees the Organization requesting the sponsorship expects to attend the speaker’s program. The amounts shown above are strictly guidelines and not guaranteed until the Organization
requesting sponsorship receives a signed copy of the Request for Sponsorship, from ACI, with the amount of sponsorship to be awarded.

Estimated attendance in the in-person program. 15-50 51-125 126-400 401-600 600+
Estimated attendance in the virtual program. 51-125 126-400 401-600
Sponsoship Amount $100 $200 $500 $750 $1,500